Thursday, May 10, 2012

Healed with Arnicare

After my spill in Roswell, Georgia, my right leg and arm were missing a large amount of skin and both were very swollen. I assumed it'd be the typical 2-3 weeks of hobbling around with a ton of gross scabs, causing people to walk around me like I was infected by a zombie. I started using some homeopathetic remedies from Arnicare USA, one of our sponsors. Having never used Arnicare before, I thought to myself, I cant really hurt myself any worse than I already feel... Less than a week after the accident, all my road rash was not swollen, scab-free, and not tender, really.

I started taking Arnica Montana (Mountain Daisy) orally a couple times a day which aids with muscle aches and stiffness, swelling from injuries, and discoloration from bruising. Along with the oral arnica, I used the Arnicare Gel on my bruises. I can't say I'm bruise free but I have had full use and mobility of my bruised left hand (and only hand currently!) that the ER thought I tore a ligament in. Finally on my abrasions and road rash, I opted for Calendula Ointment (another type of flower) was just like a neosporin in texture but way more awesome. It says it's for chapped skin, scrapes, cuts and burns...however after one (one!) day the swelling in my leg-road rash had gone down and the wound began to heal so rapidly. Not to be gross, but you know when a scab comes off too early and the freshly-exposed skin is so sensitive and painful? I never experienced that at all and the wound was healing so much faster on its own.

You can barely see the discoloration from the road rash that was bleeding all over the place 11 days ago.

I'm happy to report that I'm healed minus my fracture and will definitely continue to use Arnicare in the future, on and off the bike. It was just a really flabbergasting experience for me.

P.S. They have sooo many remedies for other ailments too like colds, allergies, etc. Check them out and learn more about homeopathetic medicine at their website:

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