Monday, May 7, 2012

Kat breaks into Top 10 at Speedweek!

Speedweek, a USA Crit event and part of the National Criterium Calendar, culminated with the Sandy Springs Global Imports Cycling Challenge yesterday afternoon, a fun circuit with an uphill finish and 6 turns making for a pretty smooth and fun ride.  Although maybe not quite as peppy as in previous races, my legs felt fine yesterday even though this was the 7th race in 9 days and I had driven over 20 hours over the course of the week.  The use of Arnica Gel and self-massage, along with some yoga, really helped me to feel fresh and ready to race each day. *If you've never given this stuff a try, check it out at your local co-op, Wholefoods, etc! 

 Yes, I did go through an entire tube in one week!
I enjoyed a call-up for 10th overall and then we were off for our final 40 laps.  It was obvious that everyone was feeling tired to some degree.  Attacks by Tibco and Mellow Mushroom in the final laps proved successful and they managed to hold on to their seconds lead over the field to the finish.  I choose the right side of the road for the sprint and was rewarded by not going down in a small crash on the left side when riders swung too wide and went into the barriers.  Although I was a bit over-geared for the uphill sprint, I managed to pass a couple riders and finished 8th for the day which moved me into 9th place overall.  Although there is a quite a bit of improvement to be made, I'm pleased with how this first week of racing went and excited for our future races.  I had a great time in the southeast and I'm very happy to have met some awesome new friends, Kate & Pete and their lovely family in Atlanta and Rocky and Joan in Beaufort.  It was wonderful to see some old friends too, Shannon Greenhill, the Barnets, and Richard Dillard.  Thank you all for your hospitality and encouragement over the course of the race.  A huge thank you goes out to SRAM, those guys are always so pleasant and helpful, and last but not least, Ashley at Swagger for all her help over the week!  

After the race ended at 3:30pm, I summoned my ninja skills to pack up my bike as quickly as possible and make it back to Atlanta to return the rental car, catch the shuttle, drag my bike box and bags through the airport, and get to my gate on time for a 6:50 departure.  Painful and exhausting.  Matt rocks and picked me up at 11:30 in Salt Lake, and I was welcomed home with a sweet birthday celebration that involved Georgetown Cupcakes (from my bro via my mom) and some nifty gifts from the family (a camping hammock, dutch oven, mixing bowls, maple syrup, and this sweet shirt from my bro...)

*In case you can't see, it's a ninja.  Riding a bike.  Thanks to Dan, Mom & Steve, Leslie & Fred, and Matt :)

Anyway, it's good to be home!  For 4 days.  Yep, I fly out Friday for Tour de Grove.  Resting up a bit the next couple days and hoping work isn't too crazy this afternoon.  Looking forward to racing in St. Louis and seeing Billie and Leif!      


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